Privacy Policy

Last updated: 09.13.2024

At WaaKey, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your data when you use our Apple Watch application (“App”).

Data Collection and Use

  • Vehicle Information: WaaKey collects only the essential vehicle information required for the App to function properly. This includes data necessary to identify and communicate with your Rivian vehicle to unlock doors and enable driving.
  • No Transmission to WaaKey: All vehicle information collected by the App is stored locally on your Apple Watch and is not transmitted to WaaKey or any external servers. We do not have access to this data.
  • No Personal Data Collection: WaaKey does not collect, store, or transmit any personal data beyond the essential vehicle information needed for functionality.
  • No Login Credentials: Our App does not store any login credentials although login to vehicle account is required to link a key. All vehicle interactions are handled directly through Bluetooth connectivity.

Bluetooth Connectivity

  • Direct Connection: WaaKey uses Bluetooth technology to connect your Apple Watch directly to your Rivian vehicle. This connection is established without routing through any external servers.
  • Security: We utilize the same encryption technology as your vehicle manufacturer’s app to ensure secure communication between your Apple Watch and your vehicle.

Third-Party Services

  • No Third-Party Access: WaaKey does not use any third-party analytics tools, advertising networks, or services that may collect data.

Children’s Privacy

  • No Data from Minors: Our App does not target or collect data from children under the age of 13.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

  • Policy Updates: We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated revision date.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:
